
Interior design options that can save the environment


There are various benefits to a properly realized personal environment. The first thing you should consider is the way your interior design makes you feel. Too much clutter and an overall theme that doesn’t match your personal taste is not going to resonate well. Apart from decorating your home in a way you find pleasing and soothing, you should also keep the sustainability of your home in mind. Not only will the ability to minimize clutter help you break free of a consumer mindset, some additional tweaks can also help you minimize your carbon footprint, prevent energy waste and save more money on your monthly bills. Let’s take a look at what you can do to jazz up your interior design in an environmentally-friendly manner.

Insulate your home

If you’re not ready to invest in full home insulation, you can get the same effect with some really beautiful home décor details. Essentially, one of the biggest sources of energy waste in modern homes is precisely the constant air leak. This means you’ll have more need to heat and cool the air during the winter and summer months. Additionally, a lack of attention in this aspect may cost you a lot more than you can anticipate. So, feel free to put up curtains that match your décor ideas as well as use rugs and carpets on the floors. These details will add a personal touch, texture and warmth to your home, but they will also prevent the air from escaping.

Transform your interior with no- or low-VOC paint

Volatile organic compounds are not good for your health or the environment. The allergic reactions that they can cause can be very severe. Moreover, these compounds contribute to pollution and your carbon footprint. So, if you want to change the look of your interior, avoid using VOC paints. You don’t need something that poses a risk to your health and the eco-friendliness in your home. Instead, opt for no- or low-VOC paint for all your interior design projects.

Programmable thermostats can prevent energy waste

Installing programmable thermostats in your home doesn’t cost much, but it can help you avoid energy waste. Just think about it – how often have you forgotten about your air condition or heater and left it on the highest setting? The same goes for your water heater as well. Thanks to a programmable thermostat, you can adjust the settings of your heater/AC for different times during the day. This is especially important when you’re not at home and during the night. You’ll be amazed at how much difference this little trick can make with your monthly bills. Also, having a modern shower can also prevent you from using too much water.

Change your light bulbs

You can’t minimize your need for a properly lit home. In that respect, regular light bulbs can really increase your electricity bills as well as energy waste. Replacing all your regular bulbs with LED ones can solve this problem. These may be more expensive initially, but they need a lot less energy and last a lot longer. In that respect, LED bulbs are a long-term investment that will definitely pay off. You can use LED bulbs however you see fit. They are a perfect match for your gorgeous pendant lighting in the living room, lamps in the bedroom or recessed lights in the bathroom. You can also get LED strips for your kitchen.

Star-rated appliances

Your home appliances can waste a lot of energy just by being plugged in, let alone when you use them. In that respect, replacing your old appliances with energy-efficient, star-rated ones will definitely minimize your monthly bills and energy waste. However, you don’t have to make this big investment at once. Once you feel the time has come to replace a certain appliance, look for one that is energy-efficient. That way, you’ll gradually make sure that your interior is filled with things you need and serve you well without increasing your carbon footprint.

Apart from green-inspired interior design, you can do a lot for your monthly budget and the environment simply by paying attention to your actions. Buy only as much food as you need. Recycle and repurpose as much as possible. Turn off your appliances when you’re not using them. Most importantly, remember that not every little thing in your home has to be completely replaced if it can be repaired.