Whether you have just finished university and are looking for a job following completion of your degree, or are simply considering a change of vocation, finding your place within the multitude of different careers on offer may seem daunting.
Firstly, before beginning your journey through the employment sector, it is imperative that you do your research. This includes looking at what specific areas fascinate you, what experience you have within that certain field, and the amount of pay you will likely receive. This prior investigation will help remove any unnecessary surprises and give you time for preparation.
Not only does research comprise of the more educational understanding of different career paths, but definitely encompasses work experience. Getting a feel for the physical side of the job, as opposed to simply reading about it, can help determine if it is the right thing for you. Similarly, recruitment days or fairs are really helpful for introducing you to different careers, and also talking to different employers or workers.
While the employment market is often overwhelming with the myriad of specific occupations and jobs that need filling, asking around within different areas of careers is essential. Don’t be afraid to talk to family members or friends when exploring different career paths and utilise your network of connections- you may have a direct association and link to a certain job already.
Of course, finding the perfect career is easier said than done. You have most likely just achieved a series of hard-earned qualifications from university, and now it is time to convert your studies into a job! Undoubtedly, certain university degrees provide options for certain career paths; a degree in medicine allows for a career within the NHS, with possibilities of fascinating areas of career such as radiography jobs or nursing jobs. However, in our modern society, it is expected to constantly change employment or career path- the Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the average worker currently holds ten different jobs before they reach the age of forty!
Ultimately, eagerness and enthusiasm are key. It’s important to keep maintaining a positive attitude; preparation is undeniably crucial while looking for a job, but it follows the highly tense and arguably stressful application process. Applying for many jobs at one time may seem tempting and logical- you are covering as many options as possible, but it removes the sense of personality and thorough research into each employer that bosses are looking for. Researching into the company and understanding their key concepts and what it really means to work there is often more important than the list of qualifications.