
Everything That Went Right With Pastor Chris’s Holy Land Tour

Christians around the world know that the Lord works in mysterious ways. He can make some ministries small while making others large. Christ Embassy’s Man of God just finished its Holy Land Tour. This year’s event was another success headed by the ever-so-impressive Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.

The tour was carefully curated to ensure that beliefs of Jesus Christ benefited from it. The tour had big dreams; it wanted to reach believers throughout the world, and that is exactly what it was able to do through this is not surprising. Those familiar with the Pastor Chris know that he is a man with big eyes who is always attempting to find ways to reach more people and get them saved.

One of the major stops this tour had was in the spiritual capital of the world, which is Israel. Several of Pastor Chris’s devoted followers went along to experience this moment. It is hard to describe the feelings he and his followers felt when they stepped on the ground where the son of God once stepped. Miracles were performed in this land, and mankind’s true salvation was born in this land. The Pastor also made his way through Jordan, which played a major role in the Bible.

There is no doubt that these holy places meant something to the Pastor and his followers just as it means something to millions of other Christians. The tour the Pastor took allowed him and others to walk the path that Jesus took mentioned in the Bible. Some believers feel closer to their saviour in the land of Israel.

The good people at LoveWorld were delighted to see how welcoming the people were to them. There are people from other religions there, such as Jews, but many of them were quite excited to see Pastor Chris. This should help highlight how close Evangelicals are to other religions of the world. Many people respect Christians and their devotion to God.

Pastor Chris’ visit to Israel could not have happened at a better time. There were a few events going on worth noting, but two definitely stand out from the rest. The first is the celebration of the Independence for the Jewish Land. This celebration has been celebrated for 70 years, and Pastor Chris was there to celebrate it with the people of this Holy Land.

It should also be noted that the United States just moved their embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which is the capital of Israel. This move was unexpected, but it helps solidify the status of Israel to the world, which is an important event that Pastor Chris and his followers got to witness. The move was orchestrated by the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. He wanted to signal to the world that US stands with Israel rather than the Palestinians on this matter. Jerusalem, according to America, now belongs to Israel. Pastor Chris did not only attend the celebrations but was personally invited.

Members of the American government and several Jewish leaders gave Pastor Chris Oyakhilome the warmest of welcome. Many recognize how much work he has done for Christians throughout his career, which is part of the reason they were eager to welcome him to the celebrations.

The celebrations were definitely a welcomed surprise and something that Pastor Chris will likely not forget, but he still saw a lot during his eight-day visit. He visited Caesarea, the Sea of Galilee, Abu Gosh, Mount Hertzel, and the Tomb of Lazareth. Those who were with Pastor Chris and onlookers saw him moved by the Spirit a number of times during the trip. He ministered to many, and many witnesses said that his words were filled with the Glory of God.