CircleCare is a perfect family social network for health and wellness motivation. Where you can share, care and inspire your loved ones to stay healthy. It has got useful features like family locator, medication reminder, step counter and blood pressure & sugar record keeping system. Once you add your whole family on the app, you can motivate them to follow healthy lifestyle and get the peace of mind by knowing that they are active and in good health.
Create a private circle of friends and family to share and motivate healthy lifestyle. The App can remind you to take medicines on time and help avoid any risk of pill overdoses. If they are not motivated enough to be physically active, family members can inspire them through a friendly walking contest. Circle members can also share healthy recipes, videos or a useful fitness article with each other and express opinion.
Having a support network of family members is really important for living a healthy life with chronic disease. It is more likely to become more and more difficult for a person with chronic disease to take care of themselves. By keeping that in mind, CircleCare – can be a great family support platform. In CircleCare you can create a private support network for your loved ones while motivating and inspiring them in life. Remind them to take their medication on time. Keep an eye on their blood pressure and blood sugar readings. Overall you can motivate and inspire them to follow their medical regiment.
CircleCare send out carefully curated health and wellness motivational resources like videos, article and images to encourage healthy living. CircleCare can engage with each other over a piece of content and share their experience on them.
CircleCare can play an important role in tracking and monitoring your loved ones medication adherence. It can not only reminds them to take their medication on time, but can also inform the other family members about the consistency of his medication adherence. That way family members can show support and get the peace of mind by knowing that their loved ones are healthy.
CircleCare keeps count of daily steps and you get to know whether you are meeting your daily walking goals or not. But the main attraction of the feature is the daily steps ranking, it encourages a friendly competition among circle members to secure the first spot there at the end of the day. This friendly gamification idea with step counter is really making families active in their lifestyle!
Go ahead and give it a try. CircleCare App is free for download on Google Play Store and iOS App Store.